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Accelerating Decarbonisation in Healthcare

The Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications recently announced a planned investment in the HSE Pilot Energy and Decarbonisation Pathfinder Project, titled REPowerEU.

This initiative, part of Ireland’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), has secured €48 million in funding. The project aims to accelerate decarbonisation efforts and promote energy efficiency within the healthcare sector, positioning it as a key component of Ireland’s broader sustainability and climate goals.

  Extensive Retrofit of HSE Sites

Around one in five buildings in the public sector are healthcare buildings and this project is the first extensive retrofit of these HSE sites. Reddy A+U are design team lead for six facilities within the programme, ranging from some of Ireland’s largest acute hospital campuses to individual buildings, such as community nursing units. In order to provide project specific outcomes, we have developed a suite of tools to streamline the vast data and information gathering processes required for this initiative.

  Putting Learnings into Action

Building on the wealth of experience within our teams, our learnings from the pathfinder process are to be used as a basis for the HSE’s approach to their national estate portfolio. These learnings will challenge present day doctrines such as ‘fabric first’. Space heating is often not the most significant user of energy, and more efficient gains can be made elsewhere. We understand that energy, the source of GHG emissions, should be mapped and targeted strategically through a range of fabric and services upgrades, including renewable energy systems, envelope upgrades and passive strategies.

  Strategic Upgrades

It is also vital to consider the future development plan for HSE’S estate to avoid abortive works or for upgrades to be applied to buildings only for them to be demolished in the near to medium term. There should also be consideration for how upgrades will be applied in a live hospital environment and how they will facilitate its continued and uninterrupted operation. This requires a detailed understanding of healthcare generally and close liaison with estates managers and clinicians.

 Pathway to Net Zero

With 2030 a mere five and a half years from now, such understanding and strategic thinking is essential if the targets of 50% reduction in energy and 51% reduction in GHG emissions are to be achieved. Furthermore, the approach to 2030 targets should facilitate and not impede the pathway to net zero by 2050.